Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Paris holds the key to your heart!

Of all my classes here, my favorite is French.  Now, before you get all excited, it's introductory French.  So, now you ask, "Why is it your favorite, Katie?"  To which I could say, "Well, my professor is absolutely hilarious," or "The class is just really fun," or "The language is gorgeous," and all of these statements are true, and they really do make it my favorite.  But what I really love about it is that I get an hour of credit for doing a language lab.  This entails me going to the Foreign Languages Computer Lab, signing in, picking out a French movie if I don't have any homework, and sitting and watching said French movie.  And let me tell you, the French know cinema.

I am currently watching Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris, which is absolutely phenomenal.  If you've never seen this movie, I highly suggest you do.  It's the story of  a struggling novelist who has traveled to Paris with his terrifying fiancée and her family.  While in Paris, he finds the inspiration and hope he needs to finish novel, which subsequently helps him find who he is.  A lot of other stuff happens too, but I won't ruin it for you.  Go watch it.  Now.

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