Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Last Blog

It is surreal how quickly this semester passed.  I can't believe that it was actually around three months ago that I moved to this wonderful city and started a new life.  Throughout these past three months I have learned so much and made so many new friends, and though times have also been hard, I know that I am right where I belong.

Enough of the sappiness, though I will most likely bring it back at the end of this post.  What can I say?  I love being sentimental.

We had our last speaker this week, and I took more notes from this one guy than I have in any class, forum or otherwise, this entire semester.  But really.  Basically he read from a powerpoint about corporate values.  I really enjoyed his attempt to connect with us through a Billy Joel music video.

I love Billy Joel.  I grew up listening to him, and in my opinion, he's completely fabulous.  However, the song this guy chose to share with us, "You May Be Right," didn't really relate to his message which was to work to get along with everyone, especially those in charge, whether they are polite or rude, right or wrong.  This song is mainly about, let's be honest here, sex.  A dangerous guy is trying to seduce a cautious girl.  End of story.

Any way, he did have a good point.  Act with integrity, and don't worry if plans don't happen exactly the way they were intended.  Life goes on, and we all get through it the best way we know how.  After all, no one gets out alive.

Since this is the last blog for the semester, I feel I should leave you with some entertainment.  As I believe we've established, I am a dancer.  My favorite genre is tap because it doesn't require music.  And it's so difficult that most people on shows like So You Think You Can Dance don't do it.  And I'm actually pretty good at it.  So here is a really awesome tap number by the stupendous Melinda Sullivan to "Single Ladies" covered by the fabulous Sara Bareilles.

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