Sunday, September 16, 2012

Carpe Diem.

"Plans change sometimes."
"Don't talk yourself out of finding out who you are."

Both of these are quotes from our most recent speaker, Dr. Thomas J. Calhoun.  I couldn't agree with either more, and I love how much they relate to one another.  One of the biggest problems I think that we as college freshmen have is that we have decided what we should be, and that might not always be exactly what the universe thinks we should be.  We have this idea of what life is going to be like and what we'll do and who we'll be, but the whole point of college is to explore all the options and opportunities presented to us.  Because of these predisposed ideals we close our minds to whatever other options might be out there.  We talk ourselves out of exploring who it is we actually are, and then ten years from now when it is completely inopportune, we'll decide that who we've been pretending to be is not at all who we actually are.  So, we need to take the opportunity now to go out and have adventures and explore and create and live and discover who we are meant to be.
Honestly, plans change all the time, and there's a 99.9% chance that any given situation won't turn out as expected because it's practically impossible to predict what challenges, people, and manic things life will dish out.  You can meticulously and obsessively plan out any scenario, but things will almost always go differently than you expected because that's just life.  It happens, and it's fleeting.  When your plans change, the best thing you can do is just go with it and handle it the best way you know how.  Sometimes it's hard.  Sometimes it's easy.  Sometimes it's absolutely insane.  No matter what adjective matches with the situation at hand, you have to do the best with what you've been dealt and keep moving forward.  I think that Walt Disney said it best, "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.  We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

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