Sunday, September 16, 2012

Memphis - Where All the Streets Are Paved With Soul

To begin with, I must explain that I love musicals and music in general.  Earlier this summer, I found the musical Memphis, which is a fabulous tale of a dance and music television show in the 1960s and of course so much more.  While watching this show, I fell in love with the city of Memphis, even though I'd never set foot on Beale Street.  So, imagine my excitement when I was told that I would get to visit this amazing and unique city.

Roaming around Memphis our first night was incredible.  Beale Street with music floating around, conveying the entire spectrum of emotions, a trolley ride that stranded us ten blocks from our hotel, the coolest bridge in a quaint park.  The entire city mesmerized me.  Everything about it just made my heart sing.

And of course, how can I forget the Brooks Museum or the Memphis Zoo!  The Brooks Museum of Art was the most spectacular art museum I've attended.  It's collection The Soul of a City was so powerful and fascinating, and I loved the little exhibit in which patrons could create their own artwork.

The Memphis Zoo.  The entire time we were there I turned into an eight year old.  Everything is interesting and marvelous to me.  I love animals.  I mean, some of my favorite movies are Flipperand Alaska, you know those 90s movies about children saving these endangered animals from poachers and the like.  I especially love polar bears.  And I got to see polar bears, so I can honestly die happy.  But really the Memphis Zoo is such a good zoo.  It's well kept, and it has big habitats for its animals, which is something that most zoos don't have.

All in all, I love Memphis.  I will definitely be making many more trips to the River City throughout my lifetime.

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