Thursday, November 1, 2012

Window Creations

I spent a few hours of my day on Tuesday painting HSO's preview day window.  Though it was bitingly cold outside, I had a blast.  I hadn't done something through a creative outlet such as that in several months, and it felt so good to focus on colors and lines and shapes for awhile rather than letters and writing.

"Bellow vociferously Panthera leo" is basically the nerdy way of saying "Roar lions!"  While I was painting this, I couldn't help but think about our speaker from last week.  Libbey Jordan works in tourism, therefore she knows advertising.  Her driving point throughout her lecture was to avoid false advertising at all costs.  While Abbie and I were hard at work on this masterpiece, I kept thinking how completely perfect this window painting describes HSO.  It's spirited, just as most of the members are.  It's creative, as all of the members are.  It's clever, as all members hope to be.  It is a perfect representation of Honors Student Organization.  I couldn't be happier with it.

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